How using USMLE recalls Can lead to a lifetime ban from giving exam

usmle recalls are not legal

This is a big surprise to many, but it is the truth of using USMLE recalls. I recently came across the news that the USMLE board has very strict guidelines regarding recalls, if not followed can lead to being barred from taking future examinations, and/or special administrative procedures or conditions may be implemented for your future examinations.

Note: I am going to provide the all source of information regarding the post in below this is not a click bait.

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What are USMLE recalls?

USMLE recalls are the real questions that are used in the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) by are said to us by the people who have taken the exam in the past.

How using USMLE recalls can lead to a lifetime ban?

It is clearly mentioned in the USMLE website under section irregular behavior.

seeking, providing, and/or obtaining unauthorized access to examination materials, (e.g., "recalls" or "past questions"), including, but not limited to, in-person or online.

Those are the exact words from the website I am going to provide link to website down below.
It is clearly mentioned that materials or test questions from an individual or a company not related to USMLE and any test preparation program to use to disclose or distribute from the recent exam takers provide access to questions or answers from actual USMLE examinations is considered unlawful. 

Consequences of violating the rules of the exam?

  • Students who was violated the rules by any chance including using recalls questions it is considered as unlawful this can lead to cancellation of your registration or your exam will be canceled if they got to know this information that you have violated the rules your USMLE exam score will be withheld or canceled, and you may be subjected to further sanctions.
  • And also if you got caught your USMLE transcript will contain a notation of irregular behavior you may also be barred from taking future examinations, and/ special administrative procedures/special conditions may be implemented for your future examinations.

How to prevent ban?

Of course, I am not going to say that you should not use recalls to prevent a ban. Hey you're reading a blog from medpox and how can you think of it, I am here to save you from everything and to give you some tips.

  1. Don’t let others know that you are using recalls.
  2. Don’t buy it from someone, well this can lead to you being blackmailed from them later because they already know you or they will be having your payment details or telegram accounts.
  3. Not get scammed by people who are selling recalls for hundreds of dollars.
  4. Use recalls where it was available free to download like your site, we provide free recalls we update it when someone takes an exam.
  5. Don’t leak your identity by any chance.
  6. Use trusted sellers who sell it for example: lol no one up to now I have never seen a true seller. 

About recall sellers !

  • Trusted seller means someone who hides your privacy and provides good, updated recalls.
  • I have seen many online recall sellers they're just providing old recalls from 2015 again and again just copying and pasting or making their own questions from topics from past year question
  • If you really want to buy them, ask them proof from where they are getting let them prove you that they are not just making it up or give their contact before you buy you can get my contact from telegram group.

 If you want to buy real recalls then try these free recalls first then buy from then they  are 100% trusted sellers check out premium recalls store 


  • Which path you choose whether to use or not to use the recalls is your own decision I am writing this blog just to give you information because I am the one who is providing recalls, it's my responsibility to let you know what the consequences are of this
  • Try to avoid the risks study well don’t choose easy paths success is never easy, work hard.
  • Mainly don’t waste your valuable money as I know many of your students that means many of you get money from your parents use that money instead for better study resources like Uwolrd use your money wisely because it is not easy to earn it all the best for your future exam.
  • share this to all your friends and make them know.


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