USMLE Step 2 recalls 2025 - Actual Exam Questions to get HIGH scores


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  • The USMLE Step 2 exam is now composed of the clinical knowledge (CK) and the clinical skills (CS) parts. The CS part is a 1-day live exam on 12 standardized patients. The CK exam is a 1-day multiple-choice computer-based examination. 
  • The information learned from this book will be useful for each part of the exam. It teaches pattern recognition for diseases tested in multiplechoice and live patient presentations. For further information regarding the CS exam, please visit The CK exam is a computer-based test taken at Prometric Test Centers using FROG software. 
  • It is a 9-hour exam with 368 multiple-choice questions broken up into eight 60-minute blocks with 45 minutes of break time in between. An additional 15 minutes can be used during the 9-hour block to go through the FROG software tutorial. By visiting you can become familiar with the FROG software prior to the test date. 
  • This will allow you to bypass the tutorial and an additional 15 minutes will be added to your break time. Once a question block is started, it must be completed within the time provided. Breaks may only be taken between question blocks. 
  • If you complete a question block early, this will be added to your break time. Multiple-choice single-best-answer formats comprise over 80% of the exam questions. Single-best-answer matching sets comprise the remaining exam questions. 
  • This format typically has two questions related to a common topic with 4 to 26 possible answers to chose from. You may practice the exam question formats by visiting To register for the exam, visit and print out an application or apply on-line. 
  • You will need to specify a 3-month block of time during which you plan to take the examination. Once your application has been approved, you will be mailed an orange permit with your ID number on it. Do not lose this permit. The ID number is required to schedule an exam date with a Prometric Test Center and the orange permit must be provided on the day of the exam along with a photo ID to take the exam. 
  • For additional information and to schedule your exam date, please visit Rest assured that the case-based, rapid-fire question-and-answer format in USMLE Step 2 Recall will provide you with the necessary fund of knowledge needed to excel on this examination

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