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Important osce recources for plab
- Each institution will have its own favored resources to which you will have (hopefully) already been referred. Be aware of the differences between different books and web resources and who they are aimed at. Consider varying your reading to include a range of sources.
- A good general undergraduate textbook should allow you to get an overview of a topic with an understanding of the underlying principles behind how a disease presents or a treatment works. Make sure you have one that you find understandable or you will not want to read it. Specialist texts or the thickest books may be useful for occasionally dipping into if you are undertaking a student-selected project, but otherwise too much detail may be confusing and unhelpful at this level. Save these for later in your career. ·
- Revision lists and handbooks that are stripped bare of explanation, though useful for quick reference or for the night before the exams, will not help you to understand the key principles or to apply your knowledge in different situations, so are not sufficient in themselves. ·
- Websites aimed at patients often give a good general overview of a subject in relatively easy to understand language. This has two advantages.
- Firstly, it is a good place to start your reading, to lay the foundations. Secondly, someone else has already considered what is important for patients and how it can be explained. ·
- Patient information leaflets from outpatient clinics and GP surgeries can also be a good starter in helping you to prepare for OSCEs.
Also check out Best Resources for PLAB/UKMLA
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