I am going to share recalls/ biopsies from 2014 - 2025 for free. I collected all the recalls which are paid, and also thanks to everyone who helped me also premium recalls avilable check below for more
Note: please read the following the blog before using this recall's USMLE recalls Can lead to a lifetime ban from giving exam
Using recalls, will give you an unfair advantage in your USMLE exam so only the USMLE exam board is very strict about it some students has just passed using recalls in some cases 80% of the paper was from recalls I have got many responses from students that using recalls they have passed their exam you try the free recalls if you serious about exam or an average or above average student just need to clear exam in first go try our premium recalls you will get monthly updates of recalls using that you can even pass the exam easily and mainly helpful for student who have exam coming soon.
I would like to thank everyone who participated, helped and wrote notes. Stephen, you have such a great future, you are a true team player and I have no doubt of your success.
The exam is a truly straightforward experience. Yes, there is a bunch of junk and nonsense questions, but it is like pumps in the street; it is meant to slow you down, not to break your car.
Hereafter is my effort for two weeks. 3000 notes covering all topics in the last two years, with additional images, digging in the literature and integrations. This is part 1, which covers all the Notes. So, you will find many repetitions; but the idea is to reinforce and contrast. Information so it sticks in your mind.
My advice is to ask “Why” every time you memorize something. The more you ask and find answers, the more you understand, and for me, someone who doesn’t understand will suffer from memorizing. I personally do not like First Aid, the book in which you find the question after being asked and never. Take the root memorization from FA, Micro, Pharma, Immunology, Pathology section, and so on. However, find other resources to understand bigger topics such as cardio, renal or respiratory. . The best and fastest resource, which helps you to go over the materials in 2–3 weeks. I suggest this timeline:
• Start point: reading about systems from review books and google them or check out medpox suggestions
• Read this note to see what are the most relevant topics they are asking about.
• First Aid 1st pass
• DIT or Boards and beyond
• First Aid 2nd pass
• Your own notes one more time, individually or from this note.
• NBME; 16-17: I don’t recommend taking NBME many times, it slows you down and you
Become an addict of prediction. Study as much as you can. This is your real evaluation. If 17 or 16 is as good as you want, DON’T WAIT.
• First Aid 3rd quick pass for root memorization sections at least
• Exam
I hope you all do as well as you want. Trust yourself, and go enjoy the exam. Enjoy that today You know thousands of facts, which just a few months ago were totally out of your scope.
Join our telegram channel for updated recalls : @usmlebiopsies
Q bank made from recalls
Step 1 recalls download links
Why to buy our premium recalls instead ?
- We will try to give new updates regularly
- Affordable price
- This is for people who have exam very soon
- Your recalls are from actual students and not copied from uworld or self-made. We also bought subscriptions of some channels worth $1600 and more, so you don't need to buy another one. We are a one-stop solution.
- We give tips on how to use recalls effectively
- Special tips on how to get your answer correct even when you don’t know the answer.
- Time saving tips during exam
If you want to buy contact @recallmaster or visit recallmastery.com don't ask for samples, if you want samples you can get from above message him only if you are interested.
Difference between free and premium recalls
- Free recalls are also very high yield but in premium we are continuously working on updated and trying to organize everything more clear and better and regular updates and motivation and pro-tips for exam
- More files and questions we are making PDF of commonly asked questions into so that it will be easy for you to study in one go.
- If someone has shared recalls for free to me, those recalls will be published for free on site
- And many more definitely you will know the difference once you are into it trust me.
Why did we start a paid recalls group?
- As many of you know me I shared recalls for free from 3 years it's been a lot of work involved in this it's all done by me alone
- As time passes situation changes due to my personal situations I don't have enough time to do all these recalls and share videos free it requires a lot of time money
- Now I got tie up with famous medical groups and channels I was working with them to make this possible so that this work will be going on and won't stop
- Even to give free recalls also and also to give it time I have found no one till now who will do all this for free so who are working on this in future I need to pay them to make this, so the quality of the work will never die in any situation.