Best Resources for USMLE STEP 1 2025 (The ultimate guide)


Best usmle resources

Step 1 mainly assesses whether you can understand and apply important concepts of the basic sciences to the practice of medicine; it makes sure that you know the principles and mechanisms underlying health, diseases, and modes of therapy.

Subjects covered in step1

  • Biochemistry
  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Microbiology and Immunology
  • Pathology
  • Pharmacology
  • Biostatistics and Epidemiology
  • Medical Ethics
  • Behavioral Science
  • Genetics and Aging
Let’s discuss the resources now. Well, I will not go into a detailed description of every resource. I will just give a brief about it.

# 1 First Aid for USMLE step 1

First Aid for USMLE step 1 2022

  • Most people consider this as Bible for step 1
  • First Aid is a comprehensive review book. As it is a review book, it will not provide you with explanations to form a good understanding. But it gives you all the high yield topics for your exam.
  • Check out {getButton} $text={Amazon} $color={#FFC633} to buy the book

 # 2 Uworld for step 1

Uworld for step 1

  • Uworld is the best Q-bank available out there. Most people who gave the exam say that uworld is most like the real was the best resource to learn by practicing questions.
  • It provides you with good explanations, diagrams, and tables for every question in detail. Check out their Website.

#3 Pathoma


  • Pathoma is an excellent resource for pathology; it gives you clear, concise, and well-organized lectures that cover major topics for USMLE exams. It develops a true understanding which is never forgotten.

# 4 Boards and Beyond

Boards and Beyond VEDIOS DOWNLOAD

  • Boards and Beyond is a video subscription service created by cardiologist Jason Ryan. It is a comprehensive review of almost every topic in first aid.
  • It slowly evolved as the must-used resource among the students for its ability to concisely teach you high yield topics for your board exams; this video subscription service covers everything in First Aid, and he even includes the First Aid pages which correspond with a given video.
  • Check out the Boards and Beyond website, watch a couple sample videos, and purchase a subscription here: Website

# 5 Sketchy Medical

Sketchy Medical vedios free download

  • Sketchy is an animated video resource that students use to memorize material like microbiology and pharmacology.
  • It gives a memorization technique called “memory palaces”. A memory palace is an imagined place, or “palace” with different objects that represent specific concepts.
  • Sketchy creates these memory palaces using animated drawings or “sketches”. You know how you can never remember the exact street name, but you know where a place is because of what’s around it? Memory palaces play on this concept. A concrete example is a memory palace that features an imaging mansion with a bunch of bananas in it that are supposed to remind you of potassium.

# 6 Anki Flashcards

  • Anki App is a cross-platform mobile and desktop flashcard app. Make flashcards with text, sound, and images, or download pre-made ones. Studying is extra-efficient, thanks to our unique algorithm. Automatically does backups and sync to all your devices, via the cloud.
  • Anki decks cards work on the technique of spaced repetition — a study tactic that helps you remember all the minutia you’ll face on exam day.

# 7 Kaplan USMLE Step 1 Review

  • Well, this is the most controversial topic among the medicos some say Kaplan is good enough and some say it's too much to handle and no high yield topics.
  • My suggestion is, choose Kaplan only if you have a good amount of time to prepare
  • Given its 4.6/5-star rating on Trustpilot, based on 4,000+ reviews from med school hopefuls, Kaplan is a proven industry leader in USMLE test prep. 
  • However, along with this high status and brand-name recognition comes cost; the company’s USMLE Step 1 prep is notably more expensive than many of its competitors… (but you can find them for free in some telegram groups.)
  • Buy Kaplan lecture notes here {getButton} $text={Amazon} $color={#FFC633}

Another best source is using recalls get premium USMLE recalls for free 

Okay, let’s end the blog here, soon I will create a new blog with detailed resources for individual subjects.


  2. First Aid USMLE Step 1 2022 Page No: 740( lol)
  3. Golden words from seniors who cleared their step 1 with good scores

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